More Playground Improvements at Mary Bailey Head Start Center

Since 2020,  our club has worked with the Mary Bailey Head Start Center in Georgetown on a couple of occasions to improve the grounds.

Senior Safety Kits

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, members of our club participated in a safe, socially-distant activity to continue to serve the community. Funds from the club’s service account were used to purchase tote bags, hand sanitizer, masks, and… Read More

Playground Improvements for Mary Bailey Head Start Center

Over the course of two weekends, members of the club gathered to construct and install new sensory boards for the Mary Bailey Head Start Center in Georgetown. 

Kiwanis One Day & Halloween

Each year, Kiwanis and its sponsored programs around the world join in a day of service. For Kiwanis One Day this year, we helped the Dottie Jordan Recreation Center with two projects:

Helping Winn Grow

Our club recently pitched-in to help develop the new vegetable garden at Winn Elementary. The Sustainable Food Center hosted a free resource giveaway, and Past President Ed Randle dug right into service by loading up his truck with compost… Read More

Central Texas Food Bank

Our club recently helped out with a morning shift at the Central Texas Food Bank. In just a few hours of work with other great community volunteers, we were able to sort and package 7000+ meals!

Scholarships Available!

Applications for the Walter Hurst Sophomore of the Year, a scholarship program of the Texas-Oklahoma Kiwanis Foundation in its 35th year, are now being collected. We shared the application with advisors at the following campuses: NYOS Charter School, LBJ High School, Reagan High School,… Read More
