The Kiwanis Children’s Fund proudly assists in the disbursement of select scholarships available through its donor advised fund program to members of Circle K International and graduating seniors who are members of Key Club International. The Children’s Fund appreciates the generous donors whose dedication to the Kiwanis family, education and community service makes these scholarships possible.
Scholarship applications are posted November 1. Application submissions are due February 1 at 11:59PM ET.
Each year, scholarships are available to Key Club members who are members in good standing, is a senior in high school with a current GPA of 3.0 or higher, and who provides college aptitude scores (SAT or ACT preferred).
An application is required, in addition to a brief resume that highlights leadership abilities, school activities, work experience, honors/award received, Key Club activities, and any other similar activities or accomplishments.
Additionally, a one-page summary should outline the student’s continuing educational plans and future goals.
Financial need is taken into consideration. At the annual Key Club District Convention in April, qualified applicants will be interviewed by three members of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees. Recipients are announced on Sunday morning, prior to convention adjournment.
Each year, scholarships are available to CKI members who are members in good standing.
An application is required, in addition to a brief resume that lists CKI offices held (if any), as well as activities and organizations outside of CKI in which the applicant is involved.
Additionally, a 500-word essay should answer the following question: How does volunteerism impact you, your campus, and your community?
An official transcript is required with the application.
At the annual CKI District Convention in March, qualified applicants will be interviewed by three members of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees. Recipients are announced on Sunday morning, prior to convention adjournment.
The Walter Hurst Sophomore of the Year (SotY) Scholarship award is not based on academics, but on leadership qualities. It is named for Walter Hurst, a longtime foundation board member and donor who lobbied for three years to establish a scholarship program for high school sophomores. Since its establishment in 1980, it has been driven by three goals:
Goal 1
Seek out, recognize, and develop leadership potential commencing with high school sophomores to encourage and prepare the next generation of civic and corporate leadership for America’s future.
Goal 2
Help sophomores gain early experience in applying for scholarships.
Goal 3
Educate influencers in schools and communities on the work Kiwanis International.
Late February
Applications due to the school advisor or counselors
Late March
Applications collected by the Kiwanis Club
Early March
Club finalist submitted to Division 24 Lt. Governor
Late April/Early May
Division finalist submitted to the Texas-Oklahoma Kiwanis Foundation
Early August
Winners announced at the Texas-Oklahoma Kiwanis District Convention.
Left to Right: Lauren Noe and Noel Roebuck. Lauren of Bowie High School Key Club was the winner of a 2015 Sophomore of the Year Award
The number and amount (typically $600) of scholarships awarded from year to year depends on the amount of money available from the Texas-Oklahoma Kiwanis Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit that serves as the charitable arm of the Texas-Oklahoma District of Kiwanis International. For recipients of the scholarship, upon enrollment in a college, university, or higher education institution, funds will be forwarded to the institution upon request from the student.
Kiwanis Children’s Fund Scholarships
The Kiwanis Children’s Fund proudly assists in the disbursement of select scholarships available through its donor advised fund program to members of Circle K International and graduating seniors who are members of Key Club International. The Children’s Fund appreciates the generous donors whose dedication to the Kiwanis family, education and community service makes these scholarships possible.
Scholarship applications are posted November 1. Application submissions are due February 1 at 11:59PM ET.
Texas-Oklahoma Kiwanis Foundation Scholarships
Key Club and CKI District Convention Scholarships
Scholarship Instructions
Scholarship Instructions
Sophomore of the Year Scholarship Timeline
The Walter Hurst Sophomore of the Year (SotY) Scholarship award is not based on academics, but on leadership qualities. It is named for Walter Hurst, a longtime foundation board member and donor who lobbied for three years to establish a scholarship program for high school sophomores. Since its establishment in 1980, it has been driven by three goals:
Goal 1
Seek out, recognize, and develop leadership potential commencing with high school sophomores to encourage and prepare the next generation of civic and corporate leadership for America’s future.
Goal 2
Help sophomores gain early experience in applying for scholarships.
Goal 3
Educate influencers in schools and communities on the work Kiwanis International.
Left to Right: Lauren Noe and Noel Roebuck. Lauren of Bowie High School Key Club was the winner of a 2015 Sophomore of the Year Award
The number and amount (typically $600) of scholarships awarded from year to year depends on the amount of money available from the Texas-Oklahoma Kiwanis Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit that serves as the charitable arm of the Texas-Oklahoma District of Kiwanis International. For recipients of the scholarship, upon enrollment in a college, university, or higher education institution, funds will be forwarded to the institution upon request from the student.
Upcoming events
Winn Montessori: Campus Advisory Council Meeting
Quarterly Board Meeting
Monthly Kiwanis Meeting
Winn Montessori: Campus Advisory Council Meeting
Butterfly Festival
SOTY App Due to LTG
Monthly Kiwanis Meeting
Charter Anniversary for the Kiwanis Club of Austin-Northeast
RMHC Brunch (Service)
Winn Montessori: Campus Advisory Council Meeting
Monthly Kiwanis Meeting
Club News