(Pictured above: Members of Division 24 gather for a group photo at the convention.)
From August 10-14, Past Club President (and many other past destinations!) Bill Gordon, Club President Raymond Miller, and President-Elect John Cano attended the 98th annual convention of the Texas-Oklahoma District of Kiwanis International.
Raymond and Bill started their weekend on Thursday the 10th by attending the first annual Growth Summit, a full-day leadership training focused on providing experienced club advisors the necessary tools to strengthen clubs across the district.
The opening session on Friday consisted of updates from representatives of our Kiwanis Service-Leadership Programs, including notable addresses by CKI District Governor Miti Patel and Key Club District Governor Dianna Cardenas. They are both about halfway through their terms and progressing in directing the growing ranks of dedicated members in their respective organizations who will commit to thousands of hours of service to their communities over the coming school year.
Forums and sessions throughout the weekend were organized around four themes: inspiration, investment, image, and impact. We’re taking back the things we’ve learned in those sessions to renew our club, increase our membership, and expand the impact that our club has in improving the lives of young people in Austin.
Saturday morning’s breakfast included an inspirational speech. Following breakfast, a moving remembrance of Kiwanians in the district who’ve passed away in the past year was held. Our own Joyce Kingsbury, late wife of Club Secretary-Treasurer Ron Kingsbury, was included in the memorial.
On Saturday evening, the old District Board of Officers and Lieutenant Governors were retired. Our very own Raymond Miller was officially installed as Lieutenant Governor for Division 24. Under his guidance, we’re certain that our clubs and service-leadership programs in Travis, Williamson, and Northern Bastrop County will grow and achieve unprecedented success. For our own region, we’re thrilled to have pas Lieutenant Governor John Clifford beginning his 3-year term as District Trustee for the Hill Country region. The district is fortunate to have District Secretary Lee Shuey and District Treasurer Thomas Denney staying on for yet another year. Governor-designate John Sheridan and the new Governor-elect Patrick Schibi each spoke of a new era of growth for Kiwanis.
During Saturday’s closing session, we also heard touching remarks from outgoing District Governor Erby Eikner and his powerhouse wife, Francine Eikner. Erby’s term as governor was marked by his motto, Strengthening Our Future, and his tenure will surely be remembered as one in which the bonds between Kiwanis, CKI, and Key Club, and all of our programs were strengthened to ensure a new generation of service to communities across the district and around the world. First Last Francine has done an incredible job over the past —- years serving as regional campaign coordinator for The Eliminate Project, Kiwanis’ global campaign with UNICEF as our partner to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus. At this point, only 19 countries have yet to be declared tetanus-free by the World Health Organization.
Stay tuned as we incorporate many of the things we learned during the convention in our club over the coming year!
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Last Updated: February 25, 2025 by John Cano
98th Annual TX-OK District Convention Recap
(Pictured above: Members of Division 24 gather for a group photo at the convention.)
From August 10-14, Past Club President (and many other past destinations!) Bill Gordon, Club President Raymond Miller, and President-Elect John Cano attended the 98th annual convention of the Texas-Oklahoma District of Kiwanis International.
Raymond and Bill started their weekend on Thursday the 10th by attending the first annual Growth Summit, a full-day leadership training focused on providing experienced club advisors the necessary tools to strengthen clubs across the district.
The opening session on Friday consisted of updates from representatives of our Kiwanis Service-Leadership Programs, including notable addresses by CKI District Governor Miti Patel and Key Club District Governor Dianna Cardenas. They are both about halfway through their terms and progressing in directing the growing ranks of dedicated members in their respective organizations who will commit to thousands of hours of service to their communities over the coming school year.
Forums and sessions throughout the weekend were organized around four themes: inspiration, investment, image, and impact. We’re taking back the things we’ve learned in those sessions to renew our club, increase our membership, and expand the impact that our club has in improving the lives of young people in Austin.
Saturday morning’s breakfast included an inspirational speech. Following breakfast, a moving remembrance of Kiwanians in the district who’ve passed away in the past year was held. Our own Joyce Kingsbury, late wife of Club Secretary-Treasurer Ron Kingsbury, was included in the memorial.
On Saturday evening, the old District Board of Officers and Lieutenant Governors were retired. Our very own Raymond Miller was officially installed as Lieutenant Governor for Division 24. Under his guidance, we’re certain that our clubs and service-leadership programs in Travis, Williamson, and Northern Bastrop County will grow and achieve unprecedented success. For our own region, we’re thrilled to have pas Lieutenant Governor John Clifford beginning his 3-year term as District Trustee for the Hill Country region. The district is fortunate to have District Secretary Lee Shuey and District Treasurer Thomas Denney staying on for yet another year. Governor-designate John Sheridan and the new Governor-elect Patrick Schibi each spoke of a new era of growth for Kiwanis.
During Saturday’s closing session, we also heard touching remarks from outgoing District Governor Erby Eikner and his powerhouse wife, Francine Eikner. Erby’s term as governor was marked by his motto, Strengthening Our Future, and his tenure will surely be remembered as one in which the bonds between Kiwanis, CKI, and Key Club, and all of our programs were strengthened to ensure a new generation of service to communities across the district and around the world. First Last Francine has done an incredible job over the past —- years serving as regional campaign coordinator for The Eliminate Project, Kiwanis’ global campaign with UNICEF as our partner to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus. At this point, only 19 countries have yet to be declared tetanus-free by the World Health Organization.
Stay tuned as we incorporate many of the things we learned during the convention in our club over the coming year!
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