Become a Kiwanis Member

Have you been looking to do some volunteering for good causes in your community? Do you like helping kids, having fun and feeling like you made a difference? Why not consider joining us and become a member of our Kiwanis club?


Kiwanis helps kids around the world. Local clubs, like ours, look out for our communities, and the international organization takes on large-scale challenges, such as disease and poverty. We are generous with our time. We are creative with our ideas. We are passionate about making a difference. And we have fun along the way. 

You’re the missing piece! We’d love to tell you more about our club. Check out this short video that gives some information about Kiwanis; read below for some of the best reasons to join and information about being a member. If interested, fill out the form at the bottom. We look forward to hearing from you! Read enough? Fill out our form to Join!

The opportunity to serve

We believe that those who give the most are the happiest. There is nothing more beautiful than individuals who reach out enhance other people’s lives. It teaches us the value of service to others and shows us how important our contributions are in making this world a better place, most especially for the children. Youth leadership development, anti-bullying programs, and literacy initiatives are just a few of the examples of service that you can find in our Club Projects page. 

Personal growth and development

Membership provides education in human relations and personal development. Being in service to others develops good character in every person. It gives us experiences that teach and develop us to become better individuals.  

Make friends and be part of something great

Being a member allows one to take part in the many activities and projects we create. We have a great group of members who enjoy spending time with each other for the betterment of our community. 

Member Dues

Find out which membership option is right for you! 

Lonestar Member dues of $71.25 are billed quarterly and covers club, district, and international fees. Additional dues for the club support operations.

Bluebonnet Member dues of $41.25 are billed quarterly and also cover club, district, and international fees. Designed for first-time Kiwanis members and those who are generally unable to attend the regular club meetings.

SLP Alumni Member you’ll only be billed $30 upon joining the club because you’ve already made an investment in Kiwanis through your prior membership. This is only available for an SLP alum joining a Kiwanis club for the first time.

Dues support the operations of the organization, while fees include a subscription to the Kiwanis magazine, a risk management fee, as well as club and directors & officers liability insurance. All members are required to pass a refundable background check (select Austin-Northeast from the listed clubs), the results of which are confidential.

As a member of a Kiwanis Club, you’re doing much more than paying to have your name on a roster. You’re making a financial investment in your community, supporting an international organization that sustains life-saving global operations, and committing to the world’s largest youth-led service organizations. Complete the form below and click “submit” to send your application.
