October 27, 2012 – Recognition patch for participation in the T-O District’s Walk to Eliminate
Left to Right: Bill Gordon, Noel Roebuck, Raymond Miller, and Phil Thomas. Noel celebrating his lucky pull of the black marble as we raise money for The Eliminate Project.
Left to right: Cortney Ferris (NW Club), Rick Hoff (Greater South Club), and John Cano (Silicon Hills Club). Three of the 2016-17 Kiwanis Club Presidents of Austin.
Members from the Greater South, Silicon Hills, and NW clubs gathered for Kiwanis One Day 2016 to pack meals for Kids Against Hunger.
100th Anniversary District Convention
In August of 2018, Club President John and Immediate Past President Raymond attended the 100th annual convention of the Texas-Oklahoma District of Kiwanis International in Abilene, Texas.
1st Annual Kiwanis Butterfly Festival
In October of 2018 the club organized its first new Signature Service Project, the Kiwanis Butterfly Festival, at Mueller Lake Park. With support from the Mueller community, plants provided by The Great Outdoors, and numerous silent auction donors, the club raised $1300 for the Windsor Park Neighborhood Association to supplement their fundraising efforts to construct shades for the playground at Bartholomew District Park.
Fall 2018
In the fall, the club played host to 6 of the 7 candidates for Austin City Council’s District 1 seat. We enjoyed hearing about the needs each candidate identified in Austin’s rapidly changing Northeast and had great conversations about the future of our city.
Winn Elementary Butterfly Garden In the fall of 2018, club members partnered with neighbors of University Hills and families of Winn Elementary to transform a neglected garden into a certified butterfly garden.
CKI Members at the Butterfly Garden CKI members from The University of Texas at Austin came out to lend a hand for work in the garden.
Distinguished Club The club was recognized for the 2017-18 year as a distinguished club of Kiwanis International by achieving a net increase in membership, sponsorship of Service Leadership Programs, and a Signature Service Project.
2019 Texas-Oklahoma District of CKI Convention
In March, the Texas-Oklahoma District of CKI hosted its 65th annual district convention in Austin with a Wizard of Oz theme. Our club members were sponsors of the events (Bill was a “Yellow Brick” table sponsor) and others participated in the networking luncheon to share stories with the college student members of CKI of their professional experience and involvement in Kiwanis.
INSIDE BOOKS PROJECT – September 2019 Members of our club spent a few hours volunteering with Inside Books Project sending books and letters to people incarcerated across Texas. Everyone deserves the opportunity to read, learn, and grow.
The Teens
2010 – 2019
May 16, 2011 – The club celebrates its 50th Anniversary.
May 16, 2011 – The club celebrates its 50th Anniversary.
October 27, 2012 – Recognition patch for participation in the T-O District’s Walk to Eliminate
100th Anniversary District Convention
In August of 2018, Club President John and Immediate Past President Raymond attended the 100th annual convention of the Texas-Oklahoma District of Kiwanis International in Abilene, Texas.
1st Annual Kiwanis Butterfly Festival
In October of 2018 the club organized its first new Signature Service Project, the Kiwanis Butterfly Festival, at Mueller Lake Park. With support from the Mueller community, plants provided by The Great Outdoors, and numerous silent auction donors, the club raised $1300 for the Windsor Park Neighborhood Association to supplement their fundraising efforts to construct shades for the playground at Bartholomew District Park.
Fall 2018
In the fall, the club played host to 6 of the 7 candidates for Austin City Council’s District 1 seat. We enjoyed hearing about the needs each candidate identified in Austin’s rapidly changing Northeast and had great conversations about the future of our city.
In the fall of 2018, club members partnered with neighbors of University Hills and families of Winn Elementary to transform a neglected garden into a certified butterfly garden.
CKI members from The University of Texas at Austin came out to lend a hand for work in the garden.
The club was recognized for the 2017-18 year as a distinguished club of Kiwanis International by achieving a net increase in membership, sponsorship of Service Leadership Programs, and a Signature Service Project.
2019 Texas-Oklahoma District of CKI Convention
In March, the Texas-Oklahoma District of CKI hosted its 65th annual district convention in Austin with a Wizard of Oz theme. Our club members were sponsors of the events (Bill was a “Yellow Brick” table sponsor) and others participated in the networking luncheon to share stories with the college student members of CKI of their professional experience and involvement in Kiwanis.
Members of our club spent a few hours volunteering with Inside Books Project sending books and letters to people incarcerated across Texas. Everyone deserves the opportunity to read, learn, and grow.